Florida Department of Education
Commission for Independent Education:
The Theological University of America has met
the requirements of statelaw....having complied with
Section 1005.06 (1)(f), Florida statues pursuant to religious education
Many TUA graduates and their relatives have authored many outstanding books on subjects vital to Christian living and to
salvation and the Church. Among the many outstanding books written by TUA graduates and relatives, the following are the first to enter the book display
Dr. E.D Allen
Dr. Benjamin Griffin
Dr. Gerald Groves ll
Dr. Emmanuel Frempong Mensah
Dr. Felicia Moore Mensah
Dr. Collin A. Pinkston
Dr. Gary Wells
Dr. Thomas G. Wright
To participate in the Book Display, please provide the following:
1. Please send a photograph of yourself.
2. Please send a photograph of each of your books.
3. Please send information about yourself you would like others to know.
4. Please send a brief description of each book you submit for display.
5. Please indicate where your book(s) can be purchased and the current price of each book.
The TUA will make no income from this excellent opportunity to display your books.
When we receive the information listed above, we will display your book(s).
Please use the following e-mail address to send your information fo the Display:
Books Display
Dr. E. D. Allen
Dr. Benjamin Griffin
Ed D Abilene Christian University (2018)
D. Min - Theological University of America
MAM - Lancaster Bible Collee, Graduate School
MPA - course in Srategic Management, University of North Carloina Wilmington
MA - Theological University of America
BA - Theological University of America
AA - Bellview Preaching Training School
Completed the American Red Cross HIV/AIDS Education Instructors' Course
Completed the National Certfied Bereavement Facilitator's Course
Completed Face-It Addiction Academy
Completed Certified Training in Chaplaincy
Dr. Gerald Groves ll
Making Friends and Making Disciples
Common Sense
Uncommon Devotion
The cost of your soul
Uncommon Romance
Dr. Collin A Pinkston
Dr. Emmanuel Frompong Mensah
Church Administration and
Biblical Leadership: Get Your Church in Order
Dr. Felicia Moore Mensah

Like Words Falling o
Demystifying the academic writing and
publishing process
Dr. Gary Wells
The translation and analysis work of Dr. Wells seeks to move translation away
from the influences of Latin and Germanic and Old English theologians in order
to bring the koine Greek directly into current English. Each verse is presented
with alternative translation possibilities, grammatical, lexical, syntactical
analyses, and insightful comments in Notes sections. Words such as 'faith' are
rendered as 'trust', 'salvation' is 'rescue-deliverance', etc.
Hyphenation of
English words is used to bring to the surface the depths and
dimensions of Greek words. Users have commented on the deeper insights
and understandings they have reached in their personal studies and as the text
is used in Bible classes.
: Translation & Analysis
Removing Latin, Germanic & Old English Theological Influences to Obtain a Current English Translation
1st Corinthians
: Translation & Analysis
Removing Latin, Germanic & Old English Theological Influences to Obtain a Current English Translation
2nd Corinthians
: Translation & Analysis
Removing Latin, Germanic & Old English Theological Influences to Obtain a Current English Translation
:Translation & Analysis
Removing Latin, Germanic & Old English Theological Influences to Obtain a Current English Translation
: Translation & Analysis
Removing Latin, Germanic & Old English Theological Influences to Obtain a Current English Translation
: Translation & Analysis
Removing Latin, Germanic & Old English Theological Influences to Obtain a Current English Translation
: Translation & Analysis
Removing Latin, Germanic & Old English Theological Influences to Obtain a Current English Translation
1st Thessalonians
Translation & Analysis
Removing Latin, Germanic & Old English Theological Influences to Obtain a Current EnglTranslation
2nd Thessalonians
: Translation & Analysis
Removing Latin, Germanic & Old English Theological Influences to Obtain a Current English Translation
1st Timothy
: Translation & Analysis
Removing Latin, Germanic & Old English Theological Influences to Obtain a Current English Translation
2nd Timothy
: Translation & Analysis
Removing Latin, Germanic & Old English Theological Influences to Obtain a Current English Translation
:Translation & Analysis
Removing Latin, Germanic & Old English Theological Influences to Obtain a Current English Translation
: Translation & Analysis
Removing Latin, Germanic & Old English Theological Influences to Obtain a Current English Translation
: Translation & Analysis
Removing Latin, Germanic & Old English Theological Influences to Obtain a Current English Translation
: Translation & Analysis
Removing Latin, Germanic & Old English Theological Influences to Obtain a Current English Translation
1st Peter
: Translation & Analysis
Removing Latin, Germanic & Old English Theological Influences to Obtain a Current English Translation
2nd Peter
: Translation & Analysis
Removing Latin, Germanic & Old English Theological Influences to Obtain a Current English Translation
1st John
: Translation & Analysis
Removing Latin, Germanic & Old English Theological Influences to Obtain a Current English Translation
2nd & 3rd John
: Translation & Analysis
Removing Latin, Germanic & Old English Theological Influences to Obtain a Current English Translation
:Translation & Analysis
Removing Latin, Germanic & Old English Theological Influences to Obtain a Current English Translation
Dr. Thomas G. Wright

Biblical Evangelism
This notebook teaches one how to evangelize (proclaim the word of
God) self and others. So, it teaches one to progress from studying the
Old Testament in physical and temporal terms to one of studying the
New Testament in spiritual and eternal terms. This readies one for
heaven (Rom. 1.16-1) .
Little Orphan Granny
As its title and cover page may imply, this booklet is about Christian
benevolence. Benevolence extends shared good-will and/or kindness
of various types one to another (like amid Christian husbands
and wives (1 Cor. 7.3). Biblical benevolence is the godly love
of others (Gal. 6.1; Eph. 6.7).
Satan The Prosecuting Prosecutor of God and His People
This book pictures Satan as the spiritual embodiment of evil just like
it shows God is the spiritual embodiment of good. Or, as God is
good and all good things come from Him (Ps. 73.1; 1 Tim. 4.4; James 1.17),
the devil is evil (John 17.15) and all evil things come from him (Eph. 6.16; 1 John 5.19).
Spiritual Victory: V-J Day
This booklet sustains there is a heavenly spiritual and eternal V-J Day
the same as there is an earthly physical and temporal V-J Day. The earthly
acronym V-J Day stands for Victory over Japan Day. The heavenly acronym
V-J Day stands for Victory in Jesus Day (Rev. 2.10) for every faithful Christian.
This booklet summarizes how Satan's figurative crucifixion (centuries prior)
helped lead to the literal crucifixion of Jesus Christ (centuries later). Satan's
crucifixion let us know he is the cause of our sins (Num. 21.4-9). Jesus'
crucifixion let us know' He is the only cure of our sin problems (John 3.14-15).
This booklet upholds the fact that the book of Revelation is both
a past and future Bible book of prophecy. Revelation is a book
that is hard to read, study, understand, and apply. The number
666 (Rev. 13.18) is possibly the hardest of all. Prayerfully,
this booklet solves that number once and for all.
This booklet explains how Satan is the originator of abortion (both inside and outside
of the womb). Nonetheless, gullible and sinful humanity has partnered with him in it
by yielding to their own lusts (James 1.14). Nevertheless, all of human life begins inside
the womb in God's mind, not the end of it.
This booklet stresses that as with all evil things, the origin of idolatry
began with Satan who is the personification of evil (John 8.44; 17.15;
1 John 5.19). In its most abased sense, idolatry is the worship of
anything or anyone other than the Bible's only true God (Father,
Son, Holy Spirit (Rev. 22.9).
This booklet agrees with the Scriptures that the existence of immorality
is a satanic evil originating in one's heart (Matt. 15.19; Mark 7.21-23).
Immoralityfinds fulfillment in being practiced as a deed of the flesh
(Gal. 5.19-21).Thus, sexual immorality is not a part of Christ's
kingdom (1 Cor. 6.9-11).