Theological University of America
Distance Education and Campus Classes
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Degrees Anchor

The Theological University of America offers the following degrees:

You may select from a number of traditional fields of study for the major emphasis (major field) of your degree. For example, Biblical Studies, Christian Counseling, Homiletics and Preaching, Ministry, Women's Ministry, Missions, Theology, Church Administration amd Leadership, Church History, Church Growth, Christian Education, Philosophy of Religion, Youth Ministry, Prison Ministry, and others.

When you make your degree selection you have the choice of completing your degree either in a standard degree program or in a specially designed degree program.

The standard degree program is one that is typically offered by seminaries and universities with variations dependent on the choice of your major and minor fields.

The specially designed degree program is one that you develop in consultation with your major professor to meet the exact interests and goals you have for your degree.

The academic quality and credit requirements are the same for both the standard degree program and the specially designed degree program.

To view sample degree programs with traditional courses assigned to the degree programs, please make your selection from the following chart.