AR 200 Introduction to Bible Lands and Historical Geography - A study of Biblical history in the geographical environment of the ancient world
CE 308 History and Philosophy of Christian Education - A study of the major developments in Christian education. Students will develop their own Bible based philosophy of education.
CE 330 The Ministry of Education in the Local Church - This course will lead students in a study of the total educational ministry of the church including management, administration, teaching and learning, curriculum, philosophy and ministry to the various age groups.
CE 342 Church Staff - The development of a church staff. Consideration given to qualificationsand duties of staff members, to staff relationships, and to the place of each staff member in carrying out the functions of the church.
CE 348 Jesus Christ and Religious Education: - This course will reverently study the Life of Jesus Christ, noting particularly His personal virtue and purity demonstrated by example and word,His compassion and understanding of each individual, and His teaching purposes and methods. Each student will develop a paper showing the centrality of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ as the source, authority, and justification of all Christian teaching.
CE 360 The Biblical Foundation for the Educational Program of a Local Church - This course directs the student to the Bible (Old and New Testaments) as the sole source for religious truth to be taught through the Educational Program. The Student will search the scriptures to determine the authorization, methods, and purposes of the Educational Program of the local church. The student will provide a his/her own commentary on the relevant passages of scripture.
CE 364 The Administration of Religious Education in the Local Church - The specific administrative and developmental responsibilities of the Educational Director, Educational Staff, and teachers. Students will develop an overall religious education program for a model church emphasizing administration and development.
CE 368 The New Testament in Christian Education - This course points the students to the New Testament as the final and infallible Word of God. The student will approach the New Testament as the inspired resource for the justification of all lessons and lesson materials. The student will develop several lesson plans and justify them with a careful application of scripture.
CE 370 Teaching Practicum - This course introduces students to the process of teaching the bible through the preparation and presentation of teaching sessions.
CE 372 Principles and Practice of Teaching - The fundamentals of learning and instructional theories will be applied, with students required to practice Bible teaching.
CE 381 Psychology of Teaching - A course in basic Christian educational psychology giving consideration to the theory of learning, the factors that influence learning, and the level of learning applied in the teaching situation.
CE 406 Classroom Instruction - A course designed for those interested in a classroom teaching ministry in the church BibleSchool. Content will include Christian educational psychology, instructional methods, tests and measurements, and evaluation of teaching and learning.
CE 420 Children and the Church - The vital ministry to the child in the church will be studied. Special attention will be given to the conversion experience, development of basic Christian concepts, and application of biblical truth to the experience of the child.
CE 424 Youth and the Church: - The rise of the adolescent subculture in America challenges the church to communicate the gospel effectively so that adolescents may find their place of service in the church and society. Investigation will include various youth ministries, community and church resources, and current literature.
CE 426 Adults and the Church - The distinctive nature of the adult learning process affects the church's ministry of the Christian message and ethical demands to the Christian adult living in society. Special attention will be given to the ministry with older adults in the church.
CE 450 Structuring Women's Ministries in the Local Church - This "how to" course will cover all of the structures need for a full-orbed need-meeting ministry tao women in a local church: evangelism and discipleship, leadership training, small group Bible studies, support groups, etc.
CE 462 Values in Christian Education - This course deals with such questions as how to determine godly values and how to internalize biblical values.
CE 468 Educational Media - Investigates the various uses for educational media in the church.
CE 474 Management Skills - This course deals with the functions of program and institutional administration. Both theoretical and practical aspects will be considered with the goal of assisting the learner to improve management style.
CE 476 Biblical Roles of Women - This course explores the role of women in the home, society, and especially in the local church.
CE 479 Evangelistic Outreach to Women - This course deals with the forces that shape a woman's emotional reality as she move through adult stages (singleness, wife, young mother, empty-nester), useful coping mechanisms,, and ways the church can shape programs to meet specific age-group needs.
CE 481 Methods of Group Bible Study - This course is designed to help the student gaina mastery of Bible study methods with the English text and to achieve proficiency in communication these skills to others in small group discussion and study.
CE 484 Methods of Educational Research - In this course students study the methods of collecting, analyzing, interpreting, and applying information. They learn the style and format of reporting research findings.
CE 486 Curriculum Writing - In this course, creativity, sound Biblical and educational principles, and clear writing are put together. Students learn to use lesson aims, learning techniques, and skills of directive writing to create Christian education curriculum.
CE 486 Curriculum Development in Christian Education - In the course students will explore the theory and design of curriculum construction and its application to the development of distinctively Christian education literature.
CE 490 Youth and Contemporary Culture: - An extensive study of the current adolescent mood. The course will consist of a community survey, field trips, in-depth study of adolescent problems, and discussion of broad scope of literature relating to youth.
CE 492 Introduction to Campus Ministry - In this course the student assesses variouscontemporary approaches to student ministry. Special consideration will be given to the development of a church-related college or university program.
Master's Degree Courses
CE 501 The Educational Director - This course describes the responsibilities and opportunities of the Educational Director of the local church. Topics studied include the preparation of the educational director, the educational director in relation to the Elders and Deacons and other ministers and members of the congregation.
CE 506 The Leaders and the Religious Education of The Local Church -The student will study the Biblical aspects of the leadership and responsibility of the leaders of the local church to establish and maintain a scriptural and comprehensive educational program.
CE 508 Vacation Bible School - This course involves a gathering and analyzing of various vacation Bible school materials and programs developed by various churches. The student will develop an educational and promotional format for a week long Vacation Bible School for all ages.
CE 510 Values in Christian Education - The study of values that underlie the Christian pedagogical activity. The history of Christian education in the various periods of church history and the effects of the milieux of the periods on the values and methods of Christian Education. The delineation of a Biblical worldview that maintains Christian values in a changing world. Values in the contemporary milieux and the importance and means of teaching them.
CE 594 Adult Psychology: - A study of the various periods of adulthood from the standpoint of characteristics and needs, with appropriate aims, materials, and methods. Finding are applied to the adult education program of the church.
CE 596 The Church and The Family - This course will acquaint the student with literatureand materials on church-family relationships, with special emphasis upon the development of the Christian home. The students will be asked to devise teaching materials suitable for use in family life education.
CE 598 Christian Marriage and Family Relationship - A discussion of marriage relationships and parental responsibilities in the light of Scripture.
CE 599 The Christian Camp - The philosophy, administration, and program of the Christian camp will be studied with focus upon newer approaches to camping. Extensive resources will be gathered and critically examined.
Doctorate Degree Courses
CE 600 a, b, c Reading Course - The Student will prepare an extensive bibliography on two or three fields. The student will read selected works in each field and submit a report on each book. The fields will be determined in consultation with the Professor.
CE 601 Superintendency of the Church Education Program - A study of the preparation and development of the Superintendent for the responsibilities of the Church Education program.
CE 614 Youth Outreach - A study of middle and high school youth, their need for Christ, and methods of approaching them.
CE 620 Developing Valid Program Objectives, Measurement and Analysis - Identifying and developing goal oriented programs with a criteria for measurement and analysis.
CE 630 Innovations in Christian Education and Biblical Criteria
CE 634 Troubled Youth - Identifying disturbed and troubled youth. Methods and techniques of evaluating aberrant youth behavior. Emphasis on the scriptural solutions and guidance in resolving youth difficulties.
CE 640 The Learning Environment in the LocalChurch Education Program - A study of the basic requirements for environmental factors - physical, psychological, spiritual - contributing to the success of the learning encounter.
CE 650 Advanced Teacher Training - Advanced pedagogy in teacher training.
CE 660 Logistical Administration of the Church Education Program - A broad based study of the multitude of logistical requirements for beginning and continuing a successful Church Education program
CE 670 Youth-Home-Church Matrix - The Scriptural values and teachings bonding the youth, home, and church in a shared responsibility for youth development into the fullness of Christ.
CE 680 Special Topics - The Student will do intensive research and reporting on two or three topics of interest or need related to the major field. May not be repeated.
CE 682 The Bible and Youth - An investigation into the challenges and distractions that youth meet in their efforts to remain faithful and fruitful to their Bible based convictions and commitment. A positive emphasis on the all sufficiency of the scriptures for every situation.
Bachelor's Degree Courses
CG 300 The Church in the New Testament - A study of the origin, nature, life, doctrines, and social relations of the church.
CG 320 Jesus Christ, The Church, and the Message of the Gospel - A study of Jesus Christ as the foundation of the Church and the central Figure in the message of the Gospel.
CG 330 Principles of Church Planting in the New Testament - A study of the evangelistic activities of the New Testament and the principles of church planting.
CG 340 Principles of Church Growth in the New Testament - A study of the principles of growth of the church in the New Testament.
CG 345 The Church Development in Society Through the Ages - A review of church development beginning in the first century until the present.
CG 350 Leadership Training - A study of the methods of training disciples to beleaders and assume the responsibilities of the leadership.
CG 360 Leadership Responsibility in Church Growth/Planting - An analysis of the demands of leadership in church growth and church planting and the quality of character required to fulfill the responsibility of leadership. The development of the pattern and principles of leadership in the Bible.
CG 400 Administrative Responsibility in Church Growth/Planting - A study of the multitude of responsibilities in church growth and church planting and the administrative techniques and organization necessary to coordinate those responsibilities.
CG 410 Developing Spiritual Gifts - A study of New Testament teaching on Spiritual Gifts and their meaning for the church. Methods of developing the effect of Spiritual Gifts in the contemporary church.
CG 420 Cultural Anthropology - A study of the diversity and universality of behavioral patterns with emphasis on communication in its cultural context. This study includes the technological, economic, social, political, religious processes of society.
CG 430 Urban Anthropology - Exploration of analytical approaches employed by anthropologists in studying urban phenomena cross-culturally; urban origins, structure, and functioning of urban institutions in the modern world.
CG 440 Preaching and Teaching for Church Planting - A study of the required and adaptable preaching and teaching programs for church planting in multiple mission environments.
CG 450 Preaching and Teaching for Church Growth - A study of the required and adaptable preaching and teaching programs for church growth in multiple community environments.
CG 460 Non-Christian Religions - An extensive survey of non-Christian religions with emphasis on their approachability by the Christian missionary.
CG 497 Project: Local Congregational Growth
Master's Degree Courses
CG 500 Principles of Church Growth and Revitalization - The study of fundamental principles underlying church growth. The application of the fundamental principles to a wide range of theological and sociological situations which affect the potential church growth population. Specific analyses and recommendations for dynamic church growth activities.
CG 510 Techniques of Planting New Churches - Approaches to planting new churches are studied in the context of their biblical, theological, and sociological relations.
CG 514 Foundations of Church Growth - An investigation of various philosophies of church growth with the intention to discover the basic principles underlying each. The student will propose and support a methodology of church growth appropriate to his/her fellowship.
CG 536 Theology of Church Growth - Formulation of the biblical theology authorizing and supporting church growth activities.
CG 542 The Role of the Holy Spirit in Church Planting/Growth - A description drawn from biblical doctrines, experiences, and prophecies of the work and presence of the Holy Spirit in church planting/growth.
CG 551 Applied Church Growth - The student will develop a comprehensive church growth plan that could be applied to his/her current ministry. The student will justify each aspect of the church growth plan with reference to scripture, books and articles, experience of others, and his/her own personal experience.
CG 560 Church and Community - The symbiotic relationship of church and community and the resources of both directed toward amelioration of each.
CG 580 Demographics in Church Planting/Growth - A study of the human factors involved in evaluating the potential for successful church planting and church growth.
CG 596 Readings in Church Planting/Church Growth - The student will develop a bibliography on selected topics in church planting/church growth. The student will read and report on a minimum of three books each in church planting and church growth.
CG 597 Project: Mission Activity in the Local Congregation
Doctorate Degree Courses
CC 600 Comparative Church Planting Programs - A survey and analysis of various church' programs of expansion and development through mission points. An evaluation of the results of the analysis and drawing appropriate conclusions.
CG 610 Comparative Church Growth Programs - A survey and analysis of various church' programs of growth through internal leadership and development. An evaluation of the results of the analysis and drawing appropriate conclusions.
CG 620 Organization and Behavior in Achieving Church Planting Programs - A study of organization development and assignment of tasks of leadership and discipleship in achieving church planting.
CG 630 Organization and Behavior in Achieving Church Growth Programs - A study of organization development and assignment of tasks of leadership and discipleship in achieving church growth.
CG 640 Functional and Organization Relationships of Congregations in Church Planting/Growth - A definition of the opportunities and limits of inter-congregational cooperative efforts through organizational functions for the purpose of promoting church planting and growth.
CG 650 Contribution and Utilization of Communication Techniques and Media ( 3 ) - A study of responsible communication techniques and media for church planting/growth.
CG 660 Strategic Planning and Operations in Church Planting and Growth (3) - A study of the development of broad based plans for church planting and church growth and the required operational support.
CG 696 Internship (9)
Bachelor's Degree Courses
CH 300 History of Christianity I - A study of Christianity in culture, society, arts, politics, economics to 1300 AD.
CH 310 History of Christianity II - A study of Christianity in culture, society, arts, politics, economics from 1300 AD to the present.
CH 320 Survey of Persons, Literature and Events of Early Church History - An overview in depth of the background, founding, and progress of Christianity and the Church with emphasis on pivotal persons, events, and developments.
CH 330 Religious, Social, Historical, Cultural Backgrounds to Ancient Christianity - A comprehensive study of the main elements forming the background to the beginning of Christianity, with emphasis on Greek, Jewish, Roman, and Babylonian contributions.
CH 340 History of the Church in the New Testament - An intensive study of Acts of the Apostles, the Epistles, and Revelation in conjunction with the historical contributions to understanding the origin, growth, and place in the Ancient World.
CH 350 Ante Nicene Church - A study of the history and theological formation of the church prior to the Council of Nicaea.
CH 360 Nicene Church and Early Middle Ages - A study of the church at the close of the Roman Empire and the beginning of the Middle Ages with emphasis on theology, ecclesiology, monasticism and missions.
CH 370 Church in the Middle Ages - A study of the church through the High Middle ages emphasizing the rise of the Papacy, ecclesiology, monasticism, missions, and rise of modern states.
CH 380 Church in the Renaissance - A study of the church in the Renaissance with emphasis on the effect of the intellectual and artistic awakening and the effect of Greek thought.
CH 400 The Reformation and the Counter Reformation - A study of the antecedents to the reformation, the reformation - German, Swiss, and English - and the Catholic counter reformation.
CH 410 Modern Church History - A study of the church from the Reformation to the present.
CH 420 Intertestamental Period - The study of the political, social, economic, and religious events and developments in the Mediterranean world occurring with the rise of the Persian Empire and the ascendancy of Alexander the Great until the close of the apostolic period with particular focus on the influences and change in Israel and Judaism and preparation for the coming of the Messiah.
CH 430 Rise of the Papacy and Church-State Relations - A study from the origin to the present of the development and rise of the Papacy in all its relations with the State.
CH 440 Early American Church History before 1789 - A study of the church beginning withthe colonies to 1789.
CH 450 American Church History Since 1789 - A study of the church from 1789 to the present.
Master's Degree Courses
CH 500 Restoration History to 1865 - A study of the Restoration Movement to 1865.
CH 510 Restoration Church History Since 1865 - A study of the church from 1865 to the present.
CH 520 Religious Reform Movements from the Council of Nicaea to Charlemagne - A study of reform movements from The Council of Nicaea to Charlemagne.
CH 530 Religious Reform Movements from Charlemagne to the Reformation. - A history of social, political and religious conditions leading to diverse reform efforts from the time of Charlemagne to the Reformation.
CH 560 English Reform Movements and Religion in the New World Colonies - A History of reform in England beginning with circumstances leading to the formation of the Church of England and subsequent influences in the religious diversity of the American Colonies.
Doctorate Degree Courses
CH 600 Advanced Study of the Ancient Church History - A detailed study of the social, political, cultural, and moral environment of the Ancient Church
CH 620 Liberalism, Modernism and Post-Modernism in Contemporary Church History - Advaned study of Liberalism, Modernism, and Post-Modernism beginning with the principles and implications of 17th Century Enlightenment until the present.
CH 660 Evangelism in America - A History of the origin, effectiveness, and importance of revivalism and restorationism in the United States.
CH 670 Contemporary Social and Political Issues Involving Church Doctrine and Polity - History of Christian belief, practice, and reform in important social, political, religious and moral concerns in the United States since 1865.
CH 680 The History of the Missionary Activity of the Church of Christ - The History of the growing outreach of the Church of Christ beginning at the close of the 19th century until the early 21st century.
CH 690 Contemporary History of Muslim-Christian Relations - A History of the relations of Muslims and Christians from the time of the Mohammed until the present day.
Bachelor's Degree Courses
COU 301 Biblical Principles and Christian Counseling - Introductory course providing basic information, insights, techniques, and skills required for successful Christian counseling. A determination of the theological validity and limits of Christian Counseling through an analysis of relevantscripture passages in the Old and New Testaments.
COU 352 Introduction to Basic Counseling Skills - Specific techniques for analyzing, evaluating, and conducting the counseling session.
COU 360 Developing Counseling Skills - Practical experience in counseling situations including journal keeping and reporting.
COU 412 Introduction to Modern Therapies - Approaches to therapy including therapies emphasizing cognitive and emotional processes, activity and behavioral processes, and biological process. Each approach is evaluated in the light of Christian principles of counseling.
COU 415 The Bible as Resource for Pastoral Care - This is a study of major counseling and pastoral care problems confronting the minister, pastoral counselor and clinical chaplain and appropriate Biblical material to utilize with Christian/patients/clients.
COU 430 Marriage and Family Counseling - Use of theological, psychological and behavioral data in treating problems of marital sexuality, conjoint marital counseling, tests and inventories.
COU 435 Child and Family Development - An overview of child and family development from a life span perspective.
COU 440 Preventive Strategies in Family Education - The philosophy and methodology of preventive family life education in the local church.
COU 445 Introduction to Premarital Counseling - A study of factors relevant to the development of the individual entering into marriage religious background, socio-economic status, peer influences, personal development; a presentation of techniques and methods for contemporary premarital counseling; a determination of the basic Christian doctrine of marriage and scriptural methods of preparing for marriage.
COU 450 Introduction to Family Counseling - A comprehensive study of major factors influencing family life, possible difficulties, and counseling techniques and methods. Preventive and remedial approaches studied.
COU 455 Counseling Juveniles - The study of the changes, developments, opportunities, and problems confronting juveniles. Particular focus on the sensitivities of communication and understanding between juvenile peers and juveniles and adults. Maintaining a viable counseling rapport with the juvenile.
COU 460 Counseling Adults Throughout the Stages of Life - Defines the changes and stages of adult life and the concomitant problems and opportunities. Counseling techniques and methods for the stages of adult life.
COU 465 Clinical Setting of Christian Counseling - An analysis of the professional environment, procedures, techniques, methods, and documentation of the counseling experience. Professional conduct and ethics.
COU 470 Basic Counseling Skills - Examines the relational aspects of counseling with particular emphasis on the practice and attainment of relationship skills.
COU 499 Counseling Practicum - The application of all relevant counseling procedures, techniques, and methods in specifically required counseling experiences for an extended period of time. The problematic nature of the counseling experience will be determined through consultation with the Professor.
Master's Degree Courses
COU 508 Communication and Relational Skills - A course on recognizing, modeling and practicing basic human relationships skills and counseling skills.
COU 511 Counseling the Family System - Theories of family counseling and applied techniques relevant to those theories. Emphasis on systems theory as the foundation for the exploration of major schools of family therapy.
COU 510 Counseling the Marital Dyad - Theories of marriage counseling and applied techniques relevant to those theories. Exposure to the nature and problems of divorce counseling.
COU 513 Adolescent Culture and Psychology - Adolescent growth, development, identity and related problems, together with a study of the cultural influences on the thinking and behavior of youth today.
COU 520 Pastoral Counseling - Treats the individual, marital and family problems normally confronting the pastor as counselor.
COU 523 Intervention Counseling - A continuation of Basic Counseling Skills. Provides models and strategies for behavioral change. Application is made to specific problem areas such as depression, phobias and anxiety.
COU 529 Human Sexuality - Explores the concerns and difficulties experienced by individuals, couples, and families regarding sexuality.
COU 530 Divorce - The nature, causes, problems and adjustments of divorce viewed from a theological, psychological and social perspective.
COU 533 Counseling the Mentally Ill - Ministry of the church to neurotic and psychotic people in cooperation with community health centers and hospitals.
COU 540 Demonology and Mental Illness - Biblical, theological and pastoral evidences for and interpretation of mental illness and demon possession.
COU 560 Biblical Basis and Principles of Counseling - A general survey of the New Testament and selected passages and events from the Old Testament to determine the theologicalbasis of counseling and its methods and means founded in scripture. Emphasis on the ministry of Jesus and Paul.
Doctorate Degree Courses
COU 601 Marital Conflict Management - Various methods by which marital couples in conflict attempt to resolve their Difficulties, constructive use of conflict to enhance the marital relationship.
COU 604 Homosexuality - Exploration of attitudes, practical insights, and techniques needed to direct the homosexual to wholeness. Study of theological and psychological understanding of homosexuality.
COU 606 Dynamics in Human Sexuality - A Christian perspective of the relational and scriptural realities of human sexuality, with an introduction to treatment of sexual dysfunction.
COU 620 Grief Counseling - An intensive study about the grief process, bereavement, visitation of the dying, pre-and-post funeral visitation and follow-up
COU 625 Theories and Process of Groups Counseling - Group process and individual growth, through the application of Biblical principles to the theories of group interaction and group leadership techniques.
COU 640 Theories and Process of Personal Integration - Perspectives of and strategies for developing and maintaining a functional balance among intellectual, physical, emotional, and interpersonal aspects of daily Christian living.
COU 660 Research Course - The student reviews the methods of research and information organization. Selects single topic, not related to dissertation, for intensive reading and research. Course requires a final paper on subject of research.
Bachelor's Degree Courses
CP 200 History of Western Philosophy I : Plato to Kant - A study of the major philosophers, philosophies and philosophical doctrines from Plato to Kant.
CP 210 History of Western Philosophy II: Hegel to Quine - A study of the major philosophers, philosophies and philosophical doctrines from Hegel to Quine.
CP 220 History of Theological Thought I : Paul to Aquinas - A study of the major theologians, theologies and theological doctrines from Paul to Aquinas.
CP 230 History of Theological Thought II: Aquinas to Tillich - A study of the major theologians, theologies and theological doctrines from Aquinas to Tillich.
CP 240 Philosophy of Religion - The existence of God; mysticism, miracles and the possibility of disembodied existence; the problem of evil; religion and morality; the meaning of religious language.
CP 250 History and Thought of Oriental Religions - A study of the history, ideas and literature of the major Oriental religions.
CP 320 Ancient Greek Thought and New Testament Theology - A study of the concepts underlying Ancient Greek thought and major doctrines of the New Testament.
CP 340 Gnosticism, Neoplatonism and Christianity - A study of the history, doctrines and implications of Gnosticism and Neoplatonism for Christianity in the early centuries of the Roman Empire.
CP 360 Augustine - A study of the life, times, literature and beliefs of Augustine.
CP 380 Medieval Philosophy - A study of the history, philosophers, and doctrines of medieval philosophy and their impact on medieval theology.
CP 400 Rationalism - A study of Descartes, Lei bni z, Berkeley, Hume or others.
CP 410 Empiricism - A study of philosophy in Great Britain from the 17th to the 19th centuries with emphasis on implications for Christian theology.
CP 420 Natural Theology -
CP 440 A Religious History of Modern Philosophy - A study of the major philosophers, philosophies, and philosophical ideas from the 17th to 20th centuries.
CP 460 Introduction to The Phenomenology of Religion - A study of the ideas of phenomenology, including sacred time and space, sacred objects, forms of worship, forms of purification, man and God, creation, revelation, experience and word.
CP 480 Introduction to Existentialism - Introduction of existentialist perspectives on freedom, meaning, responsibility, authenticity and self-deception. The course typically includes discussion of Kierkegaard; Nietzsche, Heidegger and Sartre.
CP 490 Evolutionary Social and Religious Philosophy - A study of the evolutionary ideas and their impact in social and religious philosophy in the 19th and 20th centuries.
CP 496 Reading Course ( 6 ) - The student will develop a list of books and articles is approved fields. The student will submit a written report on each book and article.
Master's Degree Courses
CP 500 Philosophical Issues in Theology - A study of contemporary and traditional issues in philosophical theology.
CP 510 Belief, Experience, and Symbol: The Interpretation of Religion - A study of 20th century ideas of religious experience and interpretation, by philosophers, theologians, historians of religion, and social scientists. An investigation of experience and belief, self and society, language and symbol. Reading: William James, Rudolph Otto, Mircea Eliade, Ernst Cassirer, Susanne Langer, Martin Buber, Miguel de Unamumo, and selected essays in cultural anthropology.
CP 520 German Idealism and Protestant Theology - A study of the history of nineteenth century Protestant theology in German. Emphasis on the related development of philosophy and theology.
CP 530 Society, Religion, and Ethics - Introduction to the problems, concepts, methods, and theories of sociology of religion and social ethics, comparative and normative. Application of ethics to selected social problems.
CP 540 Christian Realism - A study of history of Christian doctrine from the point of view of philosophy beginning with Plato emphasizing the tradition of realism.
CP 550 Phenomenology - Foundations of phenomenology in Husserl. Backgrounds in Bolzano, Frege, Brentano, Meinong, Kant, and Descartes. Topics include phenomenological method, theory of intentionality, meaning, perception, evidence, ego, other minds, intersubjectivity and lifeworld.
CP 560 Darwinism- A study of the impact of Darwinism and evolutionary theory on Christian theology and philosophy.
CP 570 Philosophy of Kant - A close study of the Critique of Pure Reason and Religion Within the Limits of Reason Alone, together with other relevant Kantian works which bear on the mean and truth of religious beliefs.
CP 580 Tillich - A study of Tillich's systematic theology with emphasis on his theology of culture, the religious dimension, Being and Christ as New Being.
CP 590 Existentialism - Analysis of the methods, problems, and views of some of the following: Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Heidegger, Jaspers, Sartre, Marcel, and Camus. Possible topics include metaphysical foundations, nature of mind, freedom problem of the self, ethics, and existential psychoanalysis.
Doctorate Degree Courses
CP 600 Philosophical Theology - A study of the nature of philosophy and theology and their relationship, with emphasis on concepts such as truth, meaning, understanding, belief, emotion, consciousness, etc.
CP 610 Reason, Nature, and God - A study of basic beliefs, processes, and foundations essential to the understanding and expression of religious experience.
CP 630 Schleiermacher, Ritschl, and Harnack - In-depth study of selected works of Schleiermacher, Ritschl, and Harnack in the context of their philosophical-cultural milieux and their influence.
CP 640 The Thought of Soren Kierkegaard - A study of the historical context as well as the philosophical and theological dynamics of Kierkegaard's thought.
CP 650 Philosophical Options in Contemporary Theology - Methodological issues raised by the dependence of theology upon the philosophies or process, existence and analysis
CP 660 Theology and Metaphysics - Philosophical positivism and metaphysics; ontological and cosmological arguments.
CP 670 Relational Theology - A relational metaphysic forms the basis for a critique of the subject-object orientation of modern theology and for the construction of relational theology.
CP 680 The Religious Dimensions of Whitehead's Philosophy - Whitehead's physical and metaphysical thought: a framework for a consideration of his religious ideas. Hartshorne's transformation of Whitehead's ideas.
CP 690 Ethics and Theology in Personalism - The nature of morality and religion; the problems of their relationship in historical and contemporary perspective; principles and limits of the moral life; the problem of evil; philosophical/theological interpretation of morality and religion.
Bachelor's Degree Courses
LGG llla,b,c,d Beginning Greek (16) - These courses take the student through beginning Greek study in which the student learns all Greek grammatical forms presented, learns appropriate level vocabularies, and performs textbook translations. The student will also do exegetical studies of selected texts directly from the NT Greek at the level of his/her progress. The student will be introduced to lexical and textual aids and problematic research areas.
LGG 200a,b,c,d Intermediate Greek I (16) - These courses review briefly important aspects of Beginning Greek, translate selected passges from the New Testament, introduce contextual understanding of vocabulary and exegesis, introduce the larger usage of Koine Greek in its cultural setting.
LGG 240a,b,c,d Intermediate Greek II (16) - These courses assign books of the New Testament for translation, hermeneutics, pedagogical application, and comparative textual differences
LGG 300a,b Advanced Greek I (8) - These courses continued translation of books of the New Testament, exegesis, comparative textual differences, and early theories of hermeneutical analysis according to the Church Fathers.
LGG 400 Advanced Greek II (4) - Research paper
Master's Degree Courses
LGG 500 New Testament Greek: Syntax (4)
LGG 510 New Testament Greek: Textual Study (4)
LGG 520 New Testament Greek: Gospel (4)
LGG 530 New Testament Greek: Epistle (4)
LGG 540a New Testament Greek: Thematic Study (4)
LGG 560b New Testament Greek: Exegetical Paper (4)
Doctorate Degree Courses
All Courses in New Testament Greek at the doctorate level will be determined based on the outcome of a comprehensive New Testament Greek examination of the applicant's preparation for New Testament Greek doctorate study.
Bachelor's Degree Courses
LGH llla,b,c,d Beginning Hebrew (16) - These courses take the student through beginning Hebrew study in which the student learns all Hebrew grammatical forms presented, learns appropriate level vocabularies, and performs textbook translations. The student will also do exegetical studies of selected texts directly from the OT Hebrew at the level of his/her progress. The student will be introduced to lexical and textual aids and problematic research areas.
LGH 112a,b,c,d Intermediate Hebrew I (16) - These courses review briefly important aspects of beginning Hebrew, translate selected passges from the Old Testament, introduce contextual understanding of vocabulary and exegesis, introduce the larger usage of Hebrew in its cultural setting.
LGH 113a,b,c,d Intermediate Hebrew II (16) - These courses assign books of the Old Testament for translation, hermeneutics, pedagogical application, and comparative textual differences
LGH 114a,b Advanced Hebrew I (8) - These courses continued translation of books of the Old Testament, exegesis, comparative textual differences, and early theories of hermeneutical analysis according to the ancient Hebrew scholars.
LGH 115a,b Advanced Hebrew II (4) - Exegetical Paper
Master's Degree Courses
LGH 500 Old Testament Hebrew: Syntax (4)
510 Old Testament Hebrew: Textual Study (4)
GH 520 Old Testament Hebrew: Pentateuch (4)
LGH 530 Old Testament Hebrew: Prophets (4)
LGH 540a Old Testament Hebrew: Readings (4)
LGH 540b Old Testament Hebrew: Exegetical Paper (4)
Doctorate Degree Courses
All Courses in Old Testament Hebrew at the doctorate level will be determined based on the outcome of a comprehensive Old Testament Hebrew examination of the applicant's preparation for Old Testament Hebrew doctorate study.
Bachelor's Degree Courses
HP 300 Introduction to Human Communication - Process variables crucial to the outcome of communication transactions. Purposes and impact of communication, attitude formation, cognitive message elements and affective message elements.
HP 330 Public Speaking - Theory and presentation of public speeches, including an analysis of determinants of comprehension and attitude formation; selection and organization of speech materials, delivery skills and evaluation of message effectiveness. Student presentations required.
HP 350 Sermon Building - A study in the preparation of Biblical Sermons with emphasis on methods of interpretation and sermon outlining.
HP 380 Sermon Delivery - A study of the principles of sermon delivery, including voice development, oral reading, and oral interpretation.
HP 390 Expository Preaching - The study of the principles and application of expository preaching.
HP 400 Topical Preaching - The study of the principles and application of topical preaching.
HP 420 Essentials of Argumentation and Debate - Introduction to methods of critical inquiry and advocacy. Identifying fallacies in reasoning, testing evidence and evidence sources, advancing a reasoned position, and defending and refuting arguments. Analysis and evaluation of oral and written arguments.
HP 460 Persuasive Speaking - Strategies and tactics appropriate to leading to persuasion. Emphasis on analysis of receiver variables, progressive use of persuasive materials, question and answer techniques, and the development of personal influence.
HP 470 Techniques of Criticism - A study of the analysis and evaluation of the public speaking experience, with emphasis on topic, purpose, research, organization, delivery, and results.
HP 480 The Preacher and His Preaching - A study of the scriptural basis for preaching, its content and message and the nature, character, and mission of the preacher.
HP 500 The Preaching Program - The development and organization of the sequence of sermons to be delivered throughout the year.
HP 520 Preaching on Special Occasions - A study of the many occasions when Preachers are asked to participate as a principal speakers, including seminars, conferences, marriages, funerals, governmental observances, graduations, etc.
HP 530 Sermon Organization, Illustration, Support, and Proof - Intensive study and practice of organizing sermon materials with emphasis on cogent illustration, support, and proof.
HP 550 The Preacher and Church Leadership - A study of the vitally important relationship between the preacher and church leadership with special emphasis on the effect of that relationship on the preacher's attitude, commitment, and effectiveness.
HP 560 The Preacher and The Media Opportunities - A review of the media opportunities - television, radio, newspapers, and journals - available to the preacher for the extension ofhis ministry. A study of the methods and techniques of media utilization. The consideration of the media as an integral element of the congregational outreach.
Master's Degree Courses
HP 540 The Preacher's Other Congregational Duties - The preacher is often expected to render many services besides preaching. A review and study of the probable services expected by congregations of various sizes and organizational development.
HP 570 The Preacher and Community Relations - The delineation of the preacher as a public and influential figure in the community, his opportunities, responsibilities in the community. Development of awareness of spiritual and moral issues in public debate.
HP 580 The Spiritual Development of the Preacher - An intensive study of the personal needs of the minister and their effects on his spiritual growth. The development of a program of spiritual revival and nurture for the preacher.
HP 590 Analysis of Sermons of Selected Preachers - The analysis of selected sermons to determine purpose, organization, style, and effectiveness.
HP 600 Homiletics - The nature of preaching is reviewed with emphasis on the theological roots of preaching.
HP 620 Advanced Preaching - Intensive study of the meaning, message, and necessity for Christian preaching: development of sermon organization and resources; methods of delivery and appeal.
Doctorate Degree Courses
HP 630 Sermon Series - The place and significance of serial preaching in the growth and development of the congregation and the minister. Consideration of the personal and spiritual preparation required of the minister for successful serial preaching. Development of a series of sermons from a selected book of the Bible.
HP 640 Evangelistic Preaching - A study of the unique demands on the evangelist and his sermonic preparation and delivery. A detailed development of the evangelistic sermon with emphasis on the purpose and desired results of evangelistic preaching.
HP 650 The Preaching of Selected Preachers - An intensive study of the preaching theories and practice of selected notable preachers within the student's own church community.
HP 660 Hermeneutics - A study of the principles and methods of biblical interpretation and their application in the development of sermonic material.
HP 670 The Preacher and the Congregation - An emphasis on the importance of the relationship between the preacher and the congregation. The preacher's insights into and knowledge of the background, needs, and aspirations of the members of the congregation as an indispensable element in relevant sermon development.
HP 680 Readings - The student will develop a bibliography in those areas of the preacher's responsibility recommended by the Professor and read and report on selected works as approved by the Professor
HP 696 Preaching Practicum (6) - The student will participate in public speech communication on a regular basis, such as the pulpit speaker for a church over a period of three or four months.
HP 699 Dissertation/Project (15)
Bachelor's Degree Leadership and Administration Courses
ADM 101 Computer Skills for Church Leaders - This course examines the inner workings on computer systems. It exposes the student to hardware and software from a buyer’s perspective and a user’s perspective. The course discusses the Internet and the issues and dangers exposure to the Internet can bring. There are software recommendations given for church computers and church members’ computers for leaders to understand if safety is of concern for members and their families.
ADM 102 Excel for Administrators - This course provides background on using Excel for Windows. The ability to calculate and create spreadsheets is at the heart of most functioning businesses. It is only reasonable that church leaders also learn how to create models of spreadsheets for use in tracking financials, attendance, and other church-related activities.
ADM 201 Accounting Fundamentals - This course presents the basics of accounting as a means to determine the financial condition of a church. It is also a means for the leader to interpret financial statements by a treasurer or accountant. An examination of the basic steps for accounting is the prerequisite for the study of finance.
ADM 301 Finance Fundamentals - This course presents the basics of finance as a means to determine the operating activities of a church. It is also a means for the leader to interpret financing strategies for the local church or a mission work in budgeting and sustaining growth.
ADM 302 Principles of Church Budgeting - This course presents the basics of church budgeting as a means to determine the financing of operating activities of a church. It is also a means for the leader to interpret whether the church has the necessary funds to finance its mission or if it must curtail certain works. It is also a decision-making tool for assessing growth and stability.
ADM 401 Research Fundamentals - This course presents the basics of research into a topic for further study. The use of APA format and Internet research will be utilized to research a topic of doctrine or a topic of interest to the church. Professional sources and detailed thought patterns will be discussed and the ability to reach an informed, logical conclusion will be enhanced.
LDR 400 Leading Change in Organizations and Communities - The purpose of this course is to introduce students to the key components of leading change in both private organizations and community settings. This course presents a variety of external and internal factors such as competition, technological changes, social movements, and economic conditions, which affect and influence the ways in which organizations and communities transform to meet demands created by these factors.
ADM 420 Advanced Organizational Behavior - This course encourages the application of advanced conceptual and theoretical perspectives to the analysis and control of behavior in organizations. Learners will practice diagnosing and resolving behavioral and organizational problems related to management functions, individual differences, group and interpersonal conflict, and work-life interface. This course of study includes emphasis on perception, motivation, leadership, influence, work-family conflict, stress, decision making, diversity, organizational learning, ethics, global issues and change.
ADM 440 Survey of Accounting and Information Systems - Survey of Accounting and Information Systems is designed to provide students with an overall understanding of the manner in which business gathers, processes and uses information. Students are introduced to basic accounting and computer concepts and procedures through case studies and computer projects. Emphasis is placed on developing an understanding of basic accounting processes and principles, on data management in a computerized environment, and on the basic financial statements. Students are also expected to develop an appreciation of the needs for internal controls in a business. Issues relating to internal control procedures, computer security, privacy issues and ethics will be introduced through readings and case studies.
LDR 401 Global Leadership- The purpose of this course is to help students understand the leadership challenges stemming from working in international and culturally diverse environments. In addition, the student is given many specific suggestions for leading effectively in such an environment. Also, the local church is the focus as more diverse families move into communities that were primarily of one ethnic background.
LDR 101 Principles of Leadership - This course introduces the leadership major by focusing on definitions of leadership, fundamental leadership theory, roles of leaders in various contexts, and an overview of foundational skills required for successful leadership.
LDR 201 Interpersonal Leadership - This course provides the knowledge and skills needed to interact with people in a leadership role. It also involves motivation, structure and organization skills in an interpersonal environment. The attention to conflict resolution is detailed in the interpersonal relationships which involve leaders.
LDR 301 Organizational Leadership - Organizational Leadership examines the attitudes and actions that people exhibit in organizations. It provides an overview how leadership affects organizational structure, personalities, emotions, power, politics, and motivation in the workplace.
LDR 302 Leadership Ethics - The purpose of this course is to explore the functions of ethical values and standards for individuals in leadership roles and the impact their ethics have on church organizations and societies. Various theories of ethics and the guidelines each offers will be examined to help inform the conflict between ethics and effectiveness. Particular attention will be paid to the notion that the quality of leadership also depends on the ethics of the means and ends of a leader’s actions.
LDR 400 Leadership Theories and Practices - This course explores the various theories of leadership by examining how they are practiced within diverse organizational and situational contexts. Students also study past and current leaders in order to effectively analyze their roles, styles, actions, reputations, and levels of success in relationship to the theories presented.
LDR 450 Ethical Leadership - This course introduces students to the principles and practices of ethical behaviors at individual, organizational, and social levels. Students study the effects of ethical and unethical behaviors and decisions made by past and current leaders. Leadership theories learned earlier in the program are reviewed in relation to the ethical behaviors expected of leaders in various organizations within today's society.
Master's Degree Administration Courses
ADM 500 Advanced Organizational Behavior - This course encourages the application of advanced conceptual and theoretical perspectives to the analysis and control of behavior in organizations. Learners will practice diagnosing and resolving behavioral and organizational problems related to management functions, individual differences, group and interpersonal conflict, and work-life interface. This course of study includes emphasis on perception, motivation, leadership, influence, work-family conflict, stress, decision making, diversity, organizational learning, ethics, global issues and change.
ADM 510 Survey of Accounting and Information Systems - Survey of Accounting and Information Systems is designed to provide students with an overall understanding of the manner in which business gathers, processes and uses information. Students are introduced to basic accounting and computer concepts and procedures through case studies and computer projects. Emphasis is placed on developing an understanding of basic accounting processes and principles, on data management in a computerized environment, and on the basic financial statements. Students are also expected to develop an appreciation of the needs for internal controls in a business. Issues relating to internal control procedures, computer security, privacy issues and ethics will be introduced through readings and case studies.
ADM 520 Financial Strategy - Fundamental principles and practices relevant to a firm’s financial strategy are addressed. Emphasis is on conceptual foundations and analysis of how financial fundamentals impact church financial strategies and the efficient allocation of resources. Topics studied include: key elements of financial environments, market efficiency, financial analysis, cash flow, incentive theory and practice, agency problems, time value of money, security valuation, risk analysis, portfolio theory and practice, capital budgeting, capital structure, dividend policies, options, global financial concerns, and contemporary financial issues.
ADM 530 Advanced Organization Management and Theory - This class encourages the application of advanced conceptual and theoretical perspectives to the design of organizations and the linkage mechanisms that organizations must develop to manage their environments. Learners will practice diagnosing and resolving organizational problems related to the growth, survival and decline of organizations. Research emphasis will be placed on how size, structure, technology and organizational culture impacts operations, strategic contingencies and competitive advantage.
ADM 540 Advanced Law - This course is a comprehensive and technical study of law and its application in business operations. This course examines the influence of political, social, regulatory, environmental, and technical issues on the formation and interpretation of the law. Topics include Uniform Commercial Code, bankruptcy, agency and employment relationships, mortgages and property concepts, contracts, torts, criminal law, constitutional law, and dispute resolution. Emphasis is placed on applying these concepts to business decisions while considering both ethical and global perspectives.
ADM 550 Strategic Planning and Achieving Goals - This course is a comprehensive study of strategic planning and accomplishing goals set out for the church. It is extremely important for church leaders and leaders of mission works to properly plan and examine its growth in terms of 5-year cycles. Lessons from business will be examined to clearly show the relationship between successful operations and clearly executed visions. This course is designed as a capstone for the Leadership and Administration program. It encompasses the breadth of the program and culminates in a detailed, structured plan for growth and managing that process.
Doctorate Degree Courses
LDR 510 Organizational Leadership - In this course, students focus on the roles leaders play in various types of organizations. Students explore the practice of leadership theories within the context of the goals and functions of various organizations, the expectations of society, and the personal goals of the leader. Students will analyze the level of success of both organizations and leaders based on a variety of factors. Emphasis will be given to churches and mission-related activities.
LDR 520 Strategic Leadership - The purpose of this course is to help students understand the leader’s role in creating and affecting the missions, goals, and objectives of organizations. Students also begin to explore certain aspects of change, which helps set the stage for a more in-depth study of change in later courses in this program of study.
LDR 530 Organizational Change and Human Development - An integral part of the leadership program, this course provides students with an understanding about various human development theories. Students then are able to integrate their knowledge about these theories with an examination of the purposeful development of the human capital component within organizations particularly in relation to achieving organizational goals.
LDR 550 Twenty-first Century Leadership - Having a solid understanding of leadership theories and practices studied earlier in the program, in this course the students explore social, organizational, and technological changes that may influence the traits and abilities individuals will need to be effective local and global leaders in the twenty-first century. Students utilize the knowledge from all of their other classes in the program to create a description of the different types of leaders needed in the twenty-first century.
Bachelor's Degree Courses
NT 300 The New Testament - A study of the origin, literature, and doctrines of the New Testaments and contemporary issues involving the New Testament.
NT 345 The Synoptic Gospels - Historical setting, unity, theology, and exegesis of selected passages from Matthew, Mark, and Luke.
NT 355 Acts of the Apostles - The Church, The Holy Spirit, and the early disciples in the historical, religious, social, and political background of the first century. Emphasis on the preaching and theology of the apostles and early Christian missionaries.
NT 364 The Gospel of John and His Epistles - Exegetical study of the Gospel of John. Emphasis on the relation of the Gospel of John and the Synoptics. Christology of John. Exegesis of John's Epistles and their contribution to New Testament theology.
OT 320 The Old Testament - A study of the origin, literature, and doctrines of the Old Testament and contemporary issues involving the Old Testament.
OT 330 Old Testament Exegesis - A study of the principles of exegesis, interpretation and application.
OT 340 Theology of Old Testament - A study of the major doctrines of the Old Testament.
Min 300 Introduction to Ministry - Study of aspects of ministry in congregational setting.
Min 310 Introduction to Spiritual Formation - A look at the history of spiritual formation from the early chucrh until the present. Emphasis will be placed on the spiritual disciplines and their place in the minister's life.
MIN 320 The Doctrine and Practice of Prayer - In this course the biblical teaching of prayer is developed in the light of its various aspects, both in private and public worship.
MIN 330 Introduction to Counseling - Basic concepts and techniques in counseling in a congregational setting.
MIN 345 Homiletics - Process variables crucial to the outcome of communication transactions. Purposes and impact of communication, attitude formation, cognitive message elements and affective message elements.(Same as HP 300)
MIN 350 Sermon Building - A study in the preparation of Biblical Sermons with emphasis on methods of interpretation and sermon outlining.(Same as HP 350)
MIN 380 Sermon Delivery - A study of the principles of sermon delivery, including voice development, oral reading, and oral interpretation.(Same as HP 380)
MIN 390 Life and Work of the Minister - Considers specifically the call, qualifications, and work of the minister. Aspects of the minister's function as spiritual leader, visitor, counselor, preacher, teacher, and administrator.
MIN 400 Youth and the Church - The rise of the adolescent subculture in America challenges the church to communicate the gospel effectively so that adolescents may find their place of service in the church and society. Investigation will include various youth ministries, community and church resources, and current literature.
MIN 410 Introduction to Basic Counseling Skills - Specific techniques for analyzing, evaluating, and conducting the counseling session.
MIN 420 Introduction to Family Therapy -
MIN 430 Leadership Training - A study of the methods of training disciples to be leaders and assume the responsibilities of the leadership.
MIN 440 Administrative Responsibility in Church Growth/Planting - A study of the multitude of responsibilities in church growth and church planting and the administrative techniques and organization necessary to coordinate those responsibilities.
MIN 450 Preaching and Teaching for Church Planting - A study of the required and adaptable preaching and teaching programs for church planting in multiple mission environments.
MIN 470 Preaching and Teaching for Church Growth - A study of the required and adaptable preaching and teaching programs for church growth in multiple community environments.
MIN 496 Internship
Master's Degree Courses
MIN 500 The Bible as Resource for the Minister
MIN 501 Counseling For Church Leaders - Pastoral duties and opportunities of a church leader with emphasis on counseling in areas of personal, family, and marital environments.
MIN 503 Theology of Ministry - Theology of the ministry, worship, discipleship, and care.
MIN 504 Worship - Theology of worship emphasizing scriptural basis for personal and congregational worship.
MIN 510 Family and Church Life - Biblical concepts applied through the ministry of the church to contemporary family needs and opportunities. Includes support programs, marriage enrichment, parent education.
MIN 513 Advanced Expository Preaching - An emphasis on Scripture analysis, background material, and expositional techniques for the purpose of clearly and accurately presenting the message of the Bible. Stress is placed on effective organization and delivery of sermonic content. Actual sermon delivery is engage in, followed by evaluation against objective standards.
MIN 519 Management Strategies for Congregational Life - Student will study scriptural commands, examples, models and organizational procedures resulting in Christ-centered congregational qualitative and quantitative development and growth.
MIN 522 Conflict Management in the Church - Understanding of conflicts in the local church and Biblical based skills to deal with them in the context of individual backgrounds and church responsibility.
MIN 525 Leadership in The Church -The organization, development, and utilization of the physical, financial, and spiritual resources of the local church and its growth and ministry.
MIN 540 Youth Ministry - Providing for adolescent religious development from junior high school through college age in the context of church ministry and resources. Exploration of contemporary needs with current church practice and views.
MIN 560 Church and Community - The role of the church as leader and participant in the social, moral, and spiritual life of the community. Church ministries and strategies in problems of community life.
Doctorate Degree Courses
MIN 620 Spirituality and Ministry - Dynamics of spiritual life in faith, prayer, and service. Spiritual leadership and example of the minister. Spiritual issues and fellowship with God, others, and self.
MIN 630 Renewal of Life and Mission of the Church - Biblical meaning and nature of the church. The preaching of Christ and the activity of renewal. Historical and contemporary movements of revival and renewal, principles and power. Spiritual and temporal influences on personal and congregational renewal.
MIN 640 Marriage and Family Ministries in the Local Church - Scripture applied to the life cycle of the family including such important episodesas premarital relations and courtship, the first year of marriage, family planning and children, most recurring causes of family discord and divorce and their Christian resolution, the middle and late years, death. Congregational methods and activities in support of the successful family life cycle.
MIN 650 Church Planning and Priorities - Defining the calling, meaning, and mission of the local church and determining and prioritizing its means and methods through body-life relationships, organization, and goal oriented tasks.
MIN 660 The Church Educational Program - The Biblical foundation for religious education in the local congregation. The organizational and leadership responsibilities and development. Methods of evaluating administrators, teachers, curricula and programs in the context of desired student behavioral changes and growth in spiritual knowledge.
MIN 680 Church Relations with the Community - This course discusses the relationship of the church to the community respecting political, social, economic, and moral issues of interest to both the church and the community.
Bachelor's Degree Courses
NT 300 The New Testament - A study of the origin, literature, and doctrines of the New Testaments and contemporary issues involving the New Testament.
NT 345 The Synoptic Gospels - Historical setting, unity, theology, and exegesis of selected passages from Matthew, Mark, and Luke.
NT 355 Acts of the Apostles - The Church, The Holy Spirit, and the early disciples in the historical, religious, social, and political background of the first century. Emphasis on the preaching and theology of the apostles and early Christian missionaries.
NT 364 The Gospel of John and His Epistles - Exegetical study of the Gospel of John. Emphasis on the relation of the Gospel of John and the Synoptics. Christology of John. Exegesis of John's Epistles and their contribution to New Testament theology.
OT 320 The Old Testament - A study of the origin, literature, and doctrines of the Old Testament and contemporary issues involving the Old Testament.
OT 330 Old Testament Exegesis - A study of the principles of exegesis, interpretation and application.
OT 340 Theology of Old Testament - A study of the major doctrines of the Old Testament.
Min 300 Introduction to Ministry - Study of aspects of ministry in congregational setting.
MIN 330 Introduction to Counseling - Basic concepts and techniques in counseling in a congregational setting.
MISS 300 Missions in the New Testament - A study of the mission activitiesof the early church as recorded in the New Testament as a model for mission activities today. Special attention is given to the Apostle Paul's methods and strategy, for planting churches. The course studies the social dynamics involved in the spread of Christianity within Israel and its penetration of the Gentile world
MISS 310 Indigenous Church - Christian missions carried out in other cultures and social systems. Planting a viable church in another culture is carefully studied with emphasis on goals, strategy, and methods involved in planting churches.
MISS 340 World Religions - The study on non-Christian religions. Special attention is given to religions existing in the region of the student's interest.
MISS 380 History of Missions - A summary study of the history of missions with specific, detailed study in the history of missions in geographical areas of interest to the study.
MISS 390 The Missionary - An intensive study of the personal attributes, commitment, and responsibilities of the missionary in the light of scripture and current missiological thought.
MISS 400 Preaching and Teaching in World Missions - The recognition and development of various communication method necessary to effectively convey the Gospel in cross-cultural environments.
MISS 410 History of Evangelism - A study of evangelism from the New Testament to the present.
MISS 420 Theology of Evangelism - An intensive study of the theological foundation and motivation for evangelism.
MISS 430 Paul and the Mission Church - A close study of the life and missionfor Paul from Damascus to Rome.
MISS 494 Internship (9)
Master's Degree Courses
MISS 500 Cultural Anthropology in Christian Context - Study of various western, eastern, and Third World cultures for anthropological implications for the Christian Gospel.
MISS 510 Dynamics of Religious Experience - Chief data and major approaches in the study of individuals' religious behavior and experiences. Special attention to relevant problems in world religions and philosophical views of man.
MISS 520 Intercultural Communications - Cultural interfacing through language and symbolism.
MISS 530 Cross-cultural Evangelism - An intensive critique of current efforts of evangelism in cross-cultural environments both in the United States and abroad. Development of alternative cross-cultural approaches for closing the 20th century and beginning the 21st century.
MISS 540 Evangelizing the Asian Religions - A study of the cultural, social, political, economic, historical, and religious factors of Asia and the development of an evangelistic approach with that understanding.
MISS 550 Evangelizing Islam and the Religions of the Middle East - A study of the cultural, social, political, economic, historical, and religious factors of Islam and the Middle East and the development of an evangelistic approach with that understanding.
MISS 560 Evangelizing in Southeast Europe and the Former Soviet Union - A study of the cultural, social, political, economic, historical and religious factors of Southeast Europe and the Former Soviet Union and the development of an evangelistic approach with that understanding.
MISS 594 Internship (9)
Doctorate Degree Courses
MISS 600 Evangelizing the United States and the Western Hemisphere - A study of the cultural, social, political, economic, historical and religious factors of the United States and the Western Hemisphere and the development of an evangelistic approach with that understanding.
MISS 610 Government and Community Relations and Mission Objectives - A study of the appropriate relations desired and necessary to maintain with the national and local governments in the missionary undertaking.
MISS 620 Advanced Preaching in Multiple Mission Environments - A detailed study of the requirements for preaching in mission environments where multiple cultural, social, economic, and religious factors intersect.
MISS 630 Multi-Media in Missions - A study of the multiple media resources, equipment and techniques available for effective missions activity in various environments.
MISS 640 Personal Evangelism in Multiple Mission Environments - A study of the necessity and effect of personal evangelism adapted to multiple environments.
MISS 650 Advanced Discipleship Training - A study of the responsibility of leadership to train and develop converts beyond the point of conversion. The appropriate training techniques and objectives.
MISS 694 Internship {12)
Bachelor's Degree Courses
NT 300 The New Testament - A study of the origin, literature, and doctrines of the New Testaments and contemporary issues involving the New Testament.
NT 320 Hermeneutics - A study of the meaning and interpretation of the Scripture.
NT 340 Parables of Jesus - A study of the Parables of Jesus and their application to present day concerns.
NT 345 The Synoptic Gospels - Historical setting, unity, theology, and exegesis of selected passages from Matthew, Mark, and Luke.
NT 350 Sermon on the Mount - A study of the Sermon of the Mount and its application to present day concerns.
NT 355 Acts of the Apostles - The Church, The Holy Spirit, and the early disciples in the historical, religious, social, and political background of the first century. Emphasis on the preaching and theology of the apostles and early Christian missionaries.
NT 364 The Gospel of John and His Epistles - Exegetical study of the Gospel of John. Emphasis on the relation of the Gospel of John and the Synoptics. Christology of John. Exegesis of John's Epistles and their contribution to New Testament theology.
NT 370 Christology in the New Testament - A study of the doctrine of Christ in the New Testament.
NT 410 Gospel and Law - A comparison and contrast of the law and Gospel.
NT 444 Romans and Galatians - Exegesis of Romans and Galatians. Detailed consideration of prominent themes of Paul's theology.
NT 448 Corinthian and Thessalonian Epistles - Exegesis of Corinthian andThessalonian epistles. Theology and pastoral practice of the Apostle Paul.
NT 450 The Prison Epistles - Exegesis of Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, Philemon.
NT 452 The Pastoral Epistles - Exegesis of 1 and 2 Timothy and Titus. NT 454 The General Epistles (3) - Exegesis of James, Peter, John, and Jude.
NT 464 The Book of Hebrews - Exegetical study of Hebrews. Emphasis on Christology, typology, the law and the Gospel.
NT 480 The Revelation of John - Analysis and exegesis on The Revelation. Study ofmajor interpretations. Structure and sources from Old Testament and Intertestamental Period. Historical, social, religious, and economic background. Meaning for today.
Master's Degree Courses
NT 506a,b New Testament Exegesis - The course presents a variety of traditional and innovative concepts, techniques, and skills in contemporary exegesis the goal of which is to elucidate the meaning of the scripture in its multiple factored frame work for application to sermonic, academic, and pedagogical activities.
NT 510a Advanced Study in the Synoptics
NT 510b Advanced Study in the Gospel of John
NT 510c Advanced Study in the Book of Acts of the Apostles
NT 510d Advanced Study in the Epistles
NT 510e Advanced Study in the Revelation of John
NT 530a, b New Testament Theology - Development and emphasis on the theology of Jesus Christ in the Gospels and the doctrinal elaboration in the remaining books of the New Testament. Cultural, political, social, and economic background and influence on the methods and development of New Testament Theology.
NT 535 Pauline Theology - A study of Paul's epistles and preaching in acts with special reference to Christology, salvation, ethics, eschatology, biblical and contemporary exegetical issues.
NT 550 The Holy Spirit - An in depth Biblical study of the Holy Spirit. The student will study the Biblical presentation of the Holy Spirit in both the Old and New testaments as well as the historical and contemporary development of major theologies pertaining to Holy Spirit and how these theologies have affected doctrinal teachings and Christian behavior. Greek language competency is required.
NT 560 Synoptic Gospel - Unity and divergence in Matthew, Mark, and Luke. Christology of the Synoptics and comparison with the Gospel of John. The effect of redaction-critical analysis on the theology and historical understanding in the Synoptics. Interpretation of selected texts and major themes.
NT 570 Pastoral Epistles - Exegetical study in the Greek NT of 1 and 2 Timothy and Titus. Elementary Greek and concurrent intermediate Greek enrollment required prerequisites.
NT 575 General Epistles (6 ) - Exegetical study in the Greek NT of James, Peter, John and Jude.Emphasis on major issues, authority and historicity, teaching, and importance in the NT canon. Elementary Greek and intermediate Greek enrollment required prerequisites.
NT 590 The Revelation of John - Historical, political, and religious background. Major interpretations and critique. Questions of authorship, canonicity. Literary genre in Revelation.
Doctorate Degree Courses
NT 600 Jesus Christ - A course designed to bring together insights and information relating to the life and mission of Jesus Christ at an advanced understanding of the multiple aspects of the times and expectations of Israel and its expected Messiah.
NT 631 New Testament Textual Criticism - An advanced study of the history, materials, and methods of the textual criticism of the New Testament.
NT 660 Advanced Exegesis: Gospel - An intensive application of the principles and methods of exegesis in one Gospel and selected doctrinal issues.
NT 670 Advanced Exegesis: Epistles - An intensive application of the principles and methods of exegesis in Hebrews or Romans and Galatians or four other epistles.
Bachelor's Degree Courses
300 Introduction to the Dead Sea Scrolls - A study of the preservation, history, doctrine, and relevance to the faith of the Old Testament and New Testament.
OT 320 The Old Testament - A study of the origin, literature, and doctrines of the Old Testament and contemporary issues involving the Old Testament.
OT 330 Old Testament Exegesis - A study of the principles of exegesis, interpretation and application.
OT 340 Theology of Old Testament - A study of the major doctrines of the Old Testament.
OT 350 Covenant in the Old Testament - A study of covenant and the its importance in the various stages of the development of Israelite history and theology.
OT 360 Pentateuch - Concentrated analysis of the historical and theological aspects of the first five books of the Old Testament.
OT 380 Minor Prophets - In depth study of times and theology of the minor prophets. Their message for then and now.
OT 390 Major Prophets : Isaiah and Daniel - In depth study of the message,times, and theology of Isaiah and Daniel. An analysis of the structure and forms of both books. Their message for then and now.
OT 392 Major Prophets: Jeremiah and Ezekiel - In depth study of the message, times, and theology of Jeremiah and Ezekiel. An analysis of the structure and forms of both books. Their message for then and now.
OT 400 David Through Ezra-Nehemiah - A study of the life and times of David through the return from exile.
OT 402 Joshua, Judges, Samuel, Kings, Chronicles - The development of historical continuity in the life of Israel. Detailed emphasis on significant historical, theological, and revelatory events.
OT 440 Biblical Wisdom Literature - Historical background, exegesis of Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Solomon.
OT 460 Psalms - An exegetical and devotional study of the Psalms.
OT 470 Post Exilic History and Theology to John the Baptist - A study of the history and theology in the Old Testament and the intertestamental period.
OT 480 Messianic Theology: Old Testament Thought Intertestamental Period - A study of Old Testament prophecy and literature of the intertestamental period relating to the development of the consciousness of the messianism.
OT 496 Independent Study
Master's Degree Courses
OT 502 Hebrew Prophets - Former and Latter Prophets, their literature, historical background, and theology. Emphasis on Messianic doctrines.
OT 506a,b Old Testament Exegesis - Principles and methodology of exegesis inthe Old Testament. Applications to Theology and Prophecy. Elementary Hebrew and concurrent intermediate Hebrew enrollment required prerequisites.
OT 510A Advanced Study in the Pentateuch
OT 510b Advanced Study in the Psalms
OT 510c Advanced Study in the Minor Prophets
OT 510d Advanced Study in the Major Prophets
OT 520 Historical Books of the Old Testament - Israel's history from the conquest to exile. Historical and theological interaction in the development of doctrines and religious conflict. Place and purpose of historical books in the canon.
OT 525 Devotional Wisdom Literature - The nature, background, literary structure, and theology of wisdom writings and Hebrew poetry. Introduction to apocryphal wisdom, comparison with canonic wisdom.
OT 530 Old Testament Theology - OT doctrines and their development in the light of hhistorical, political, social and economic conditions. Exegesis of selected texts, problematic interpretations, and relationships to the New Testament. To enroll, a student must demonstrate a strong foundation in general knowledge and use of the Old Testament and its historical and cultural settings.
OT 540 Major Prophet - To be arranged with Major Professor.
OT 550 Minor Prophet - To be arranged with Major Professor.
OT 560 Poetical Books - To be arranged with Major Professor.
Doctorate Degree Courses
OT 602 Advanced Exegesis of Selected OT Books - An intensive application of the principles and methods of exegesis in one book of the Pentateuch, one Historical book, one Prophetical book, and selected passages of Wisdom Literature.
OT 631 Old Testament Textual Criticism - An advanced study of the history, materials, and methods of the textual criticism of the Old Testament.
OT 672 The Major Prophets: Advanced Study - A study of the Major Prophetsemphasizing interpretation, textual issues, the historical context, contemporary relevance, and the life and times of each prophet.
OT 674 The Minor Prophets: Advanced Study - A study of the Minor Prophets emphasizing interpretation, textual issues, the historical context, contemporary relevance, and the life and times of each prophet.
OT 680 Development of Religious Thought in the Intertestamental Period - A study of the sources, development, and influence of religious thought in the Intertestamental Period.
OT 685 Dead Sea Scrolls - A study of current thought and issues in Dead Sea Scroll research.
0T 690 History of Israel - A study of the ancient history of Israel
Bachelor's Degree Courses
NT 300 The New Testament - A study of the origin, literature, and doctrines of the New Testaments and contemporary issues involving the New Testament.
NT 345 The Synoptic Gospels - Historical setting, unity, theology, and exegesis of selected passages from Matthew, Mark, and Luke.
NT 355 Acts of the Apostles - The Church, The Holy Spirit, and the early disciples in the historical, religious, social, and political background of the first century. Emphasis on the preaching and theology of the apostles and early Christian missionaries.
NT 364 The Gospel of John and His Epistles - Exegetical study of the Gospel of John. Emphasis on the relation of the Gospel of John and the Synoptics. Christology of John. Exegesis of John's Epistles and their contribution to New Testament theology.
OT 320 The Old Testament - A study of the origin, literature, and doctrines of the Old Testament and contemporary issues involving the Old Testament.
OT 330 Old Testament Exegesis - A study of the principles of exegesis, interpretation and application.
OT 340 Theology of Old Testament - A study of the major doctrines of the Old Testament.
NT 360 Jesus Christ: Lord and Savior - The divinity and mission of Jesus Christ in the important roles of Lord and Savior and their meaning to the life of every Christian and the Church.
THE 300 Systematic Theology I - Theology and anthropology. Revelation and Scripture. God, His attributes. Creation and nature of mankind. The fall, sin and guilt.
THE 310 Systematic Theology II - Christology and soteriology. Covenant of grace, the Person and work of Jesus Christ as Mediator. Doctrines of the calling, faith, repentance, obedience, regeneration, justification, adoption and sanctification.
THE 320 Systematic Theology III - Ecclesiology and eschatology. The doctrine of the church, its nature and authority. Worship, sacraments, and prayer. Last Days. Death, and resurrection, final judgment, heaven and hell.
THE 360 Patristic Theology - The study of the Ante-Nicene and Nicene Fathers with emphasis on major Greek and Latin Fathers, particularly Greek Fathers Justin Martyr, John Chrysostom and Latin Fathers Tertullian, Cyprian, Jerome, Ambrose of Milan, Gregory the Great, and Augustine of Hippo and major events of the period..
THE 400 Rise of the Papacy and Primacy - Biblical theories supporting the establishment and primacy of the Papacy. Historical events developing the growth, power, and primacy of the Papacy with particular notice to , of struggle, compromise, and axcendancy from the first century through the work of Pope John XXIII.
THE 410 Heresies Through the Reformation Period and Traditional Responses - Heresies from selected periods of church history will be discussed such as Gnosticism and its branches, Manichaeism, Antinomianism, Donatism, Marcionism, Montanism, Pelagianism, Catharism, Waldensians, Gallicanism, Jansenism.
THE 440 Survey of Medieval Theology - Discusses political changes from the end of the Roman Empire to the end of the Byzantine Empire and major theological issues, institutions, and developments.
THE 496 Reading Course
Master's Degree Courses
THE 505 Monasticism - A study of the origins of Western Christian and Eastern Christian monasticism and the influence of monasticism and its leaders on the church, government, and politics to the present.
THE 520 Mysticism and Scholasticism - A study of mysticism and scholasticism as responses to the dynamnics of the middles ages with emphasis on leaders, concepts, practices, theology, and contributions made to the enrichment of the church traditions of scholarship and intuition.
THE 570 Theology and the Rise of the Nation State - A study of the factors and elements leading to the formation and rise of the nation state with particular emphasis on the effects of the Renaissance, Reformation, Catholic Church and the re-ordering of social, religious, and political structures and theological responses.
THE 540 Renaissance, Reformation, and Counter Reformation - A study of the conditions in the Catholic Church and the political unrest and resistance contributing to an outlook of reform in the church culminating in the new definitions and policies of the Reformation and Counter-reformation.
THE 560 Luther and Calvin - A study of the lives, faith, mission of two prominent leaders of the Refomation and their contributions to change in Christian doctrine and practice.
Doctorate Degree Courses
THE 600 Theological Developments in the American Colonies - The study of theological developments underlying both similarities and differences among the church establishments in the American colonies.
THE 630 Revivalism and Restoration Movements - A study of the fresh outlooks on the condition of the Christian faith expressed in the Revivalism, Restoration, and the Great Awakening and the effects on later theological formulations and practices.
THE 640 Liberalism, Modernism, and Post-Modernism - This study begins with roots in the Enlightenment and traces the development of liberalism, modernism and post-modernism and their effects on traditional Christian doctrines, faith, and practice to the present.
THE 650 Denominational Church Doctrines and the New Testament Church - Study of the doctrines of mainline denominations, charismatic fellowships, third-world liberation theology.
THE 670 Biblical Theology and Social Issues and Morality - Relates the theology of the Bible to social issues and questions of morality of today. Reviews the application of Biblical principles to social issues and questions of morality in other eras of change and adjustment.
THE 672 Christology - A study of the Biblical background to the understanding of Christology with further study in the historical and theological development of Christology from the first century AD to the twenty-first century AD.
Bachelor's Degree Courses
NT 300 The New Testament - A study of the origin, literature, and doctrines of the New Testaments and contemporary issues involving the New Testament.
NT 345 The Synoptic Gospels - Historical setting, unity, theology, and exegesis of selected passages from Matthew, Mark, and Luke.
NT 355 Acts of the Apostles - The Church, The Holy Spirit, and the early disciples in the historical, religious, social, and political background of the first century. Emphasis on the preaching and theology of the apostles and early Christian missionaries.
NT 364 The Gospel of John and His Epistles - Exegetical study of the Gospel of John. Emphasis on the relation of the Gospel of John and the Synoptics. Christology of John. Exegesis of John's Epistles and their contribution to New Testament theology.
Min 300 Introduction to Ministry - Study of aspects of ministry in congregational setting.
MIN 330 Introduction to Counseling - Basic concepts and techniques in counseling in a congregational setting.
LDR 101 Principles of Leadership - This course introduces the leadership major by focusing on definitions of leadership, fundamental leadership theory, roles of leaders in various contexts, and an overview of foundational skills required for successful leadership.
LDR 201 Interpersonal Leadership - This course provides the knowledge and skills needed to interact with people in a leadership role. It also involves motivation, structure and organization skills in an interpersonal environment. The attention to conflict resolution is detailed in the interpersonal relationships which involve leaders.
YM 424 Youth and the Church - The rise of the adolescent subculture in America challenges the church to communicate the gospel effectively so that adolescents may find their place of service in the church and society. Investigation will include various youth ministries, community and church resources, and current literature.
YM 481 Methods of Group Bible Study - This course is designed to help the student gaina mastery of Bible study methods with the English text and to achieve proficiency in communication these skills to others in small group discussion and study.
YM 490 Youth and Contemporary Culture - An extensive study of the current adolescent mood. The course will consist of a community survey, field trips, in-depth study of adolescent problems, and discussion of broad scope of literature relating to youth.
YM 492 Introduction to Campus Ministry - n this course the student assesses variouscontemporary approaches to student ministry. Special consideration will be given to the development of a church-related college or university program.
YM 496 The Church and The Family - This course will acquaint the student with literatureand materials on church-family relationships, with special emphasis upon the development of the Christian home. The students will be asked to devise teaching materials suitable for use in family life education.
YM 498 Christian Marriage and Family Relationship - A discussion of marriage relationships and parental responsibilities in the light of Scripture.
YM 499 The Christian Camp - The philosophy, administration, and program of the Christian camp will be studied with focus upon effective, relevant approaches to presenting the Word of God and nurturing youth in the camping camping environment. Extensive resources will be gathered and critically examined.
Master's Degree Courses
YM 500 Preparing Youth for Leadership in Church - A course designed to offer the youth the Biblical organization and administration of church worship, spiritual formation, fellowship, missions, and evangelism with emphasis on the awareness of responsibility and opportunity in the discharge scriptural leadership.
YM 510 Youth Outreach - A study of middle and high school youth, their need for Christ, and methods of approaching them.
LDR 515 Leadership Ethics - The purpose of this course is to explore the functions of ethical values and standards for individuals in leadership roles and the impact their ethics have on church organizations and societies. Various theories of ethics and the guidelines each offers will be examined to help inform the conflict between ethics and effectiveness. Particular attention will be paid to the notion that the quality of leadership also depends on the ethics of the means and ends of a leader’s actions.
LDR 540 Youth Sunday School Pedagogy - The purpose of this course is to review the applications of teaching techniques and expected outcomes for youth Sunday School classes for all ages of youth.
LDR 560 Pre-marital Studies - The purpose of this course is to provide youth with an ability to determine Biblical principles in mate selection and marriage.
Doctorate Degree Courses
YM 620 Communicating with Youth - A study of the milieu of social and personal options confronting youth in peer and adult influences with the presentation of effective Biblical choices that enable youth to maintain their Christian faith and behavior.
YM 630 Troubled Youth - Identifying disturbed and troubled youth. Methods and techniques of evaluating aberrant youth behavior. Emphasis on the scriptural solutions and guidance in resolving youth difficulties.
YM 670 Youth-Home-Church Matrix - The Scriptural values and teachings bonding the youth, home, and church in a shared responsibility for youth development into the fullness of Christ.
YM 682 The Bible and Youth - An investigation into the challenges and distractions that youth meet in their efforts to remain faithful and fruitful to their Bible based convictions and commitment. A positive emphasis on the all sufficiency of the scriptures for every situation.
YM 695 Reading Course - The Student will prepare an extensive bibliography on two or three fields. The student will read selected works in each field and submit a report on each book. The fields will be determined in consultation with the Professor.
YM 696 Local Congregation Youth Project - The student with the approval and oversight of a congregational eldership develop a youth activity defined by specific requirements and outcomes.