The Theological University of America

Complete Your Degrees by a Series of Indepth Examinations

You may choose between two examination modules:

Examination per course
Examination per major and minor fields

Examination Per Course:

You will propose the course topics you will discuss in your examination. Your course professor will either approve your proposal or, in consultation with you, add or reduce the number of topics you will discuss in your examination.

Examination Per Major and Minor Fields:

You will propose the field topics you will discuss in your examination. Your major and minor fields professors will either approve your proposal or, in consultation with you, add or reduce the number of topics you will discuss in your examination.

Your Responsibility and Obligation in Preparation for the Examinations:

Your proposals for the examinations must be responsible assessments of the each topic you will discuss. Permission to continue with degree completion by examination is based on the academic quality of your comprehensive, indepth proposals for the examinations.

Conditions Required for the Examinations:

Each examination must be monitored by an individual approved by the relevant TUA professor.

Each examination will be several hours and may be continued over several consecutive days.

You may not rely on open book or notes or any other device or source for your answers during the examinations. Your response to the examination must be your personal recall from your previous and preparation studies.

You must submit a list of books and articles you have read in your examination courses and fields prior to your application for the degree by examination and a list of additional books and articles you will read in preparation for the examinations after you have been approved to complete your degree by examination.

Repeat Examinations

You will be given three opportunities to make acceptable grades on the examinations.

For any insufficiency in the quality of your examination results after the third attempt in order to continue in the degree by examination module you will be required to do additional reading and research in preparation for a final effort to pass the examinations.