The Theological University of America
Antonio Cruz Suarez

Born in Úbeda, province of Jaén (Spain) on July 15, 1952.

He was baptized in the Church of Christ in Tarrasa, Barcelona, on March 30, 1969.

Degree in biological sciences from the University of Barcelona on March 17, 1979 and Ph.d. in biology from the same University in Barcelona on July 10, 1990.

As a scientist: .

Professor of biology and head of the experimental science of the Scarborough IES Barcelona seminar. .

Researcher biologist of the 'Animal biodiversity resource centre' of the Department of Animal Biology from the "UB." .

Member of the Court of professors and distinguished member of the «Spanish Association of Entomology» of the «Institució Catalana Natural d´historia» and the «Société Française d' Història Naturelle»..

He has worked in various zoological research and discovered numerous species of isopod crustaceans. .

He has been part of numerous academic constituted courts to judge dissertations and received awards from the "Autonomous University of Honduras' for his contribution to education in that country; of the "Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán" (Mexico) for his contribution on genome and cloning of human beings and of the «University Mariano Gálvez» of Guatemala by various interventions. .

He has published numerous articles in Spanish and European scientific journals specialized in biology and zoology; as well as articles on Science in different newspapers and magazines general themes. .

He has taken part in multiple debates on radio and TV programs and participated in numerous scientific congresses in Spain and abroad. .

He has given seminars, lectures and master classes at the:

'Universidad Central de Quito», Ecuador (1998);

«University Mariano Gálvez», Guatemala (1999 and 2001)

«Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña» Dominican Republic (2000);

«Universidad Nacional Evangélica», Dominican Republic (2000);

«University of Panama» Panama (2000);

«Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña» Dominican Republic (2000);

«Universidad Nacional Evangélica», Dominican Republic (2000);

«University of Panama» Panama (2000);
